Tree top cabins
Contact us
Tree Top Cabins
Carretera de Vallclara s/n
17403 Sant Hilari Sacalm
See map
Phone:(+34) 625 411 409 Monday to Friday from 9:30 to 18:00 hours
Email: reserves@cabanesalsarbres.
Company: Ninildu S.L.U
CIF: B-55295679
NIRTC KG-000165
Carretera de Vallclara s/n
17401 Sant Hilari Sacalm
(Your info will not be added to any file and will only be used to answer your requirement. We answer to the costumers that use our web forms. The info will be used only for that pourpose and will not be given to others. You will find more info in this link.
How to get there
Nord 41º53’54”
Est 2º27’44”
Enter via mas la Vileta: carretera de Vallclara, Sant Hilari Sacalm.
Without GPS:
Don’t go trough Sant Hilari Sacalm
How to arrive from Barcelona
(95km, 1h30m)1) passing through Vic: Taking the C17 via Vic. Once in Vic take C25 via Girona, take exit 202 of Goll de Revell. You will arrive at a roundabout, take de first exit toward Girona. At 50 meters turn left via Sant Hilari Sacalm. (GIV-5411) After 6 Km of curves, make a left towards Sant Sadurni D’Osormont. (GI-541) After 3 km, you arrive to Vallclara road entrance. (runway) There is a sign that indicates the direction (to the right). 1.300 meters you arrive to the parking area.
2) At AP-17: Take exit 10 (Hostalric, Arbúcies) Continue via Vic, pass by Arbúcies, take C25 via Vic, and take exit 202 to Coll de Revell. Make a right towards Sant Hilari Sacalm (GIV-5411). After 6 Km of curves, make a left towards Sant Sadurni D’Osormont. (GI-541) After 3km, you arrive to Vallclara road entrance. (runway) There is a sign that indicates the direction (to the right). 1.300 meters you arrive to the parking area.
How to arrive from Figueres, Girona
(55km, 50min)Take exit 8 of the AP-7 (Girona airport, Vic). Continue Vic by road C 25. Take exit 202 Coll de Rivell. Make a right towards Sant Hilari Salcalm. (GIV-5411) After 6 Km of curves, make a left towards Sant Sadurni D’Osormont. (GI-541) After 3km, you arrive to Vallclara road entrance. (runway) There is a sign that indicates the direction (to the right). 1.300 meters you arrive to the parking area