Tree Top Cabins

Gift Card

Send a gift of a magical experience,
an original gift, authentic and unforgetable.

Pack Màgia

Magic Pack

Pack Cupid

Cupid Pack

Pack Natura

Natura Pack

Cabanes als arbres a la carta

On demand

How does it work?

Option 1: chose a pack

Complete the reservation, selecting a pack that will ajust to your budget.

The recipient, him self, will select the cabin, the date and other details, as food menus and activitie schedualls (spa or massage).

The gift is valid for 2 years. The reservation has to be formalized within 90 days after it has been baught.

Option 2: On demand

Chose a cabin and the extra complements.

This produces a gift card in a PDF format that may be printed to given. It will have a link so the receiver may chose the date and complete the reservation.

You may, also, send the gift card by email.

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